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Having met and observed Rhys in my role as a coach educator and mentor over the past 12 months I have found him to be an extremely honest, conscientious and hardworking individual and is fast becoming a highly accomplished young coach. His work is both methodical and meticulous in its content and presentation both practically and administratively. Alongside this, he is both inventive and has a flair for new ideas and is very open minded toward new initiatives.


Ralfi Hand

Rhys has had a massive influence on my football career. When it comes to mindset, Rhys has helped me a lot to be on track, be more confident and have more belief on the pitch. In 2020/21 season, Rhys took me under his wing and allowed me to play again after a hard time, which allowed me to enjoy my football and rebuild my confidence. This turned out to be pivotal when I got back into professional football. I can’t thank him enough for the support he has given me. He has always been there, asking how I am doing and If I need any help with anything.

Favour Onukwuli

Rhys is not only a great person, but a great coach aswell. He changed my whole perspective of football for the greater good. I used to think that everything I do has to be perfect to become a good footballer. This mentality of mine nearly made me quit football. When I made mistakes, I thought I wasn't good enough. However, Rhys showed me that making mistakes was a normal part of the game and that I should see mistakes as a positive, as it develops my learning and understanding. One thing I admire most about Rhys is his character. He is honest, trustworthy and very driven. Rhys would always look for ways to improve his players. He always set high quality drills for us players, which made us better in many areas. The reason why many people thrive with Rhys is because he makes you comfortable playing football around him. He doesn’t put pressure on you and always reminds you to enjoy the game.

Lionel Ainsworth

I would like to start off by saying thank you to Rhys, for what he has made me think about whilst starting my coaching journey. Not only is Rhys a great coach, but he’s also one of the few people that look between the lines on and off the pitch. This is something I saw on a day-to-day basis whilst working with him. His knowledge of teams, players, leagues, and coaching points always gets you thinking in a different way, and this is something I loved about working with him. He is professional in every aspect and works tirelessly for others, helping young players and the staff reach their full potential and targets. This is something Rhys loves to do.

Josh bohui

Since meeting Rhys, he has played an important and influential part in my professional career. We first met when I joined Dorking Wanderers B team. At the time, I actually was finding football quite difficult, and he gave me the freedom to enjoy football once again.  Although I was playing, at an easier level than I was used to, he challenged me to work on different parts of my game in various positions. He taught me how to communicate the things I see on the pitch to those who may not have the experience I have had. Rhys is a top coach who wants to best and genuinely cares for the development of players. He understands that football is more than a game. Rhys taught me that training your mindset is just as important, if not more important than your technical ability. Although I am currently injured, Rhys and I still speak. This is because Rhys got to know me on a personal level. We don’t only speak about football, but life in general; our children, family what it means to us, how we use life to encourage us going forward. I’ll always appreciate every bit of support he has given me. Injuries can be very challenging, especially long term ones. However, I know Rhys’ support will always be there and I believe that’s what every footballer needs to be  successful.

More Josh
Jack Saunders

I first played under Rhys at U15/U16 youth level, within the first season, we won the county cup, we were on the verge for more success but unfortunately COVID hit that year. Rhys gave me freedom to play and the chance to play with the older years as he knew it would benefit me. When Rhys departed, I went on to play for the club’s U19s and he’d still stay in contact with me and come to my games to show his support, and see how I was doing. When Rhys was manager of Dorking Wanderers B, he signed with me and this opportunity has changed my football career entirely. He’s taught me skills not only technically and tactically but the psychologically as well. In sessions he’d make it fun but challenging, which made it an enjoyable environment to train in. He is also a person you could talk to about anything on and off the pitch, which made him one of my favourite coaches to play under. Another key thing about Rhys is that the amount of work he puts in for the team he coaches, it is extraordinary. He does his best to give his players the right amount of information and knowledge to improve.

Liam Brazier

Working with Rhys has helped me a lot with my mental side of the game, not only this but he has helped me recognise that it is a huge part of football. His sessions are interactive and when I have got involved with them it has changed my outlook on not just football but life in general. It has been a pleasure working with him and I fully recommend his work to others as it has and will continue to help me in the future.

More Dom
Dom Plank

Rhys has been a pivotal part of my professional development and giving me opportunity as a footballer. This started from recognising me as a player and recruiting me in his time at Wolves as an academy scout. He has continued to provide valuable support, mentoring and coaching advice. His performance mindset programme has been very insightful and has helped me to take a further step in not necessarily my football ability, but my ability to perform and prioritise my time in order to get better results on the pitch.

Garrett Kelly

Having had Rhys as a coach & now as a mentor, I see how highly he values mindset and how he is able to teach & open up methods to utilise and enhance that as an athlete. From the recent course, we discussed & delved into topics including perception, emotions, being in the present, accepting what is, controlling what we can, (having/ being aware of) emotional intelligence and attention channels. Something which I will continue to develop from the course is the area of attention channels - individuals in high pressured scenarios would greatly benefit from knowing what state they’re in and how to increase/regain their focus and respond to challenges. Rhys’ skills are an asset to any team, notably; helping people realise their potential.

Luke Robinson

Rhys was very helpful and always happy to have a conversation and help with anything you need. He has a lot of knowledge within the game so you can always learn something. Goes the extra mile to provide value for money and will definitely be able to get many take always which you can use for your career.

Luke R
More Noa
Noa Prestel

Rhys Barker's course is very well structured and his experience and insights have helped me a lot on my path of becoming a professional footballer. Rhys is taking a holistic approach covering all aspects of life, not "just" football. We looked at personal goals and values and he supported me with finding a structure to pursue my dreams and goals in life. From helping me build a professional looking portfolio to working on my mindset (e.g. turning problems into solutions, negatives into positives etc) to tactical and strategic decision-making and general life-planning, Rhys helped me identify and address core issues. He also took time out of his life to help me on a 1:1 basis giving me personalised advice and was/is always there to answer questions and share his vast knowledge and experience. Rhys has a kind, competent and matter-of-fact way and I am hugely grateful for his support.

Rabby Minzamba

Rhys has been open and honest with his opinions and has given us an insight on how other people operate and how we should look to stand out and be different from others! Rhys has been really good at replying to any questions and has shown interest into our situations which he has tried supporting us by suggesting solutions. He has suggested material to help with mental training and has given great seminars to help understand this even more. Rhys has also provided us with knowledge and advice that we can take into our careers to help connect and become more personable with people in the same industry.

Nick David Luzolo

I wanted to express my deepest gratitude for the invaluable guidance you provided in enhancing my perspective on setting goals and smart targets in football. Your insights have not only elevated my game but also reminded me to savor every moment on the field. I appreciate your dedication to helping players in various aspects, and I'm truly thankful to have crossed paths with you. Your time and effort have made a significant impact on my mindset, and I am genuinely grateful.

More Mowafaq
Mowafaq Hassan

Working with Rhys has helped me become a better person mentally and a stronger athlete in the physiological side even though I’m going through a long term injury I believe that with Rhys’s help I can overcome this with gods help what’s so ever even tho I have not received help yet professionally. I shall thank him and assure him that I will come back in the near future for further assistance on developing my mindset once I fully recover from my injury.

Alex Jacobs

I've known Rhys only through text messages and phone calls, but I would like to one day meet him in person and thank him. He has decided to dedicate his own time, his life, to spreading positivity and guidance for young athletes. Few people, especially in the football industry, seem to me to be as genuine and good-natured as Rhys. I'm grateful for the wisdom he has shared – he has had an immediate and noticeable impact on my footballing life, and I am sure many others can say the same.

hugo webb

Hugo first met Rhys at the beginning of his U12 season, he was without a team and ready to quit football. Rhys helped him get his confidence back and sourced a local side for him to play. Fast forward 2 years and Hugo then signed for Rhys at his youth club and stayed with him for 3 amazing years. Over those years, Rhys helped develop Hugo into a top goalkeeper at his age level which culminated with a trial at professional football club, where Hugo didn’t look out of place. Hugo was always a solid goalkeeper, but Rhys helped him improve his overall game with a lot of focus on his footwork and distribution plus his communication, which is so key for goalkeepers in the modern day. Rhys identified Hugo as a leader within the group and gave him extra responsibility within the side. This has helped mature Hugo beyond his years and has seen Hugo leave school with great qualifications and begin a building surveying apprenticeship working in a competitive office and site environment with no transition issues. Hugo is now part of a local step 5 non-league side and has made his first team debut at 17 and without doubt wouldn’t be where he is today without the support guidance and care of Rhys over the years, he worked with him.

More Jack
Jack Church

I first met Rhys 6 years ago, when I joined his youth football team. I wouldn’t say I was the best player or person at the time, was arguing with everyone and wasn’t the best technically. Rhys gave me a chance; he was patient and trusted me to get better under him. After few seasons, Rhys changed my position and he saw great potential in me to be able to play there. Ever since then, I haven’t stopped developing. From when I first started playing under Rhys I’ve changed so much as a player on the pitch and off. Rhys helped massively towards this as he gave me the patience and time to teach me different techniques, different things to do at times. He always said to don’t be afraid to make mistakes as you’ll learn from it. These all helped technically, and he gave me tactical information to help me. As a person he would always talk to me and make sure everything was going ok with school and asked about how everything was, how things were going at home, how the team I supported was doing. This helped as it took the pressure off me and felt like I could talk to Rhys as not just a manager but someone who would understand if I had any troubles. From the first time I met Rhys 6 years ago to now, I’ve progressed massively in football and as a person. I now understand it’s ok to make mistakes and that’s all part of learning. I’m now doing a football scholarship at National League club and looking to progress my career even further and make a living out of football.

Charlie Kneath

Rhys has changed my mindset for the better and really changed my outlook on everything. I’m now starting to look for the positive in everything that I do as well as challenging myself everyday. I’m thinking more deeply and critically about the decisions I’m making in everyday life as well as my football career. Rhys asks you questions that make you think deeper about certain things you’re doing. An example was about my CV, he asks numberous questions to why you have added a part or whether there’s something else you can add to make your football CV stand out. I’ve really appreciate his work this month!

Callum Backhurst

Rhys has had a huge influence on me in getting back into football, when I was close to walking away from the game. In the 2021/22 season, I was the number 3 GK at a Step 1 football club. After a few injuries, I was made to feel unwanted at the club, which had a huge effect on me psychologically. I didn’t play football for months and I was convinced I was going to quit. In July 2022, I was invited to come along to Dorking Wanderers (where Rhys was manager of the B Team). Rhys straight away put his arm around me and made feel comfortable in an environment that I hadn’t been in for a while. Despite doing the whole of preseason, I still had a psychological block of playing in game. Before the first game of the season, Rhys text me one evening and asked me to think about when my last best game was, I was a bit confused why he asked me this, but when I looked back it helped me massively. I then played the first game of the season, saved a penalty, and kept a clean sheet! I felt on top of the world after this. During my recent injury where I unfortunately broke my leg, I have done performance mindset courses with Rhys, which has been a huge benefit to me. He has been a huge influence on me and my football career.

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